*Please don’t rely on this post as your sole source for information, I urge you to set time aside to get certified in CPR.*
This topic is near and dear to me being a nurse. It should be near and dear to you too being a human in contact with other humans. I’ve struggled with making this post short and informative as there are different right ways to handle a choking infant. Just be aware the goal is to clear the object from the airway.
This method applies to INFANTS ONLY which otherwise means UNDER 1 YEAR OLD.
- Signs of infant choking are:
If a baby is suddenly unable to cry or cough, something is probably blocking their airway, and you’ll need to help get it out. Baby may make odd noises or no sound at all while opening the mouth. Skin may turn bright red or blue.
If baby coughing or gagging, it means the airway is only partially blocked. If that’s the case, let baby continue to cough.
Coughing is the most effective way to dislodge a blockage.
If the baby isn’t able to cough up the object, ask someone to call 911 while you begin back blows and chest thrusts following the graphic below.
Great job again Laura !!